Saturday, October 1, 2011

Will weigh in later...

My stomach in concave (FINALLY) and I have bad stomach pains. My hands are shaking, my legs are shaking. When I stand or sit up I get bad pains in my stomach and my heart starts racing and I feel like I'm about to pass out. Despite all this, I'm glad its finally fucking back. I'd take this over being fat anyday. Got a short cramp in my calf, not fun. I'm starting to participate in PT again, and I feel like it's going to be good for me.

Goal for October:
Lose ten pounds.
Start taking a multivitamin daily.
Non binging.
Start talking to a boy.
Work out five days of the week.

Rewards for meeting at least two goals:
At the end of October/beginning of November, I will go and get my nails done with a friend.

I'll post again when I weigh myself later todayy. Hopefully it's good news.

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