Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I finally have internet and my wii back. This may not sound like much, but to me it's the world. Because of the internet, I have blogging. Because of my wii, I can get back on track with exercising and lose this fucking weight. For GOOD. I'm going to focus on my working out for a couple weeks until it becomes routine before I focus on my eating. I am trying to eat relatively healthy, and not over eat or have any sweets. I am, however, over exercising. Because of my fucked up view on things, I see nothing wrong with this. I need to feel sore, it ups my mood. Anyway, for today:

Breakfast- cinnabon cereal
Dinner- one piece of pineapple and chicken, rice, and corn.

Not sure what that all amounts too, but I'm done for the day and hoping it wasn't all that much. I won't usually be eating breakfast, but we had a two-hour delay today.

From 7-7:30 I played Just Dance 2
From 3-3:40 I played Just Dance 2
From 3:45-4:30 I played Wii Fit

Estimated calories burnt: 725

SO if anything, I'm guessing my defecit could be around 300 calories consumed today? I'm going to work out some more after I do my homework, which should only take me a half an hour or so. Then I'll do another days worth of dancing on Just Dance (the intense program) and a half hour on the Wii Fit. Then by then it should be around 6:45 and I'll work ahead on my school work and write some more in my fanfiction. ALSO, I can try and figure out a name for PotterMore. I already have one in mind, but I don't want to say it in case someone steals it! But I'm super excited about it, and I really can't wait. But I'f I don't lose five pounds by then, I'm not letting myself sign up... So I really need to get to work. Later on tonight I'm going to measure my waist and hips and document it on here.

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