Thursday, September 29, 2011


Okay, so I don't want to jinx anything... but I just hit 149.9, according to my wii balance. I'm too afraid for it to change, so I ate a bit of dinner so I won't binge, and after I do my homework I'm going to work out and weigh again. I'm so close, I'm actually doing this... lets hope it stays!

I'm starting to like this guy I have two classes with at school. His name is Jordan, he plays soccer, and he isn't the kind of guy I would usually go for. He's super smart, much smarter than me even though we both have AP classes, he's got this odd sense of humor that most of the smart kids have, and while I usually find it annoying, I find it adorable in him. He's always teasing me and talking to me and doing tiny things that gives me a bit of hope as to whether he likes me or not... but I don't think he does. I wish he did. He's very tall, and very straight-edge (from what I know) and just... I don't know! I don't know what it is about him, he's such an odd ball, but I just think he's the cutest thing! The past few days its been the most noticeable, the things he does, the way I feel about them. He's always just doing cute little things that i never really paid attention to before, but now that I do, it's just so obvious. But maybe I'm just duping myself and he doesn't really like me. Sometimes I feel like he does, other times I think he doesn't. Only time will tell... See, he started noticing you because you're losing weight, and he'll only start to really like you if you lose more weight. And he'll only ask you out if you get to 105.

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